National Open Youth Orchestra

Accessibility and inclusivity matter


The National Open Youth Orchestra (NOYO) is the world’s first disabled-led national youth orchestra. It gives some of the UK’s most talented young disabled musicians a progression route. 

Collaborating with the marketing team, I designed print and digital materials that engaged with stakeholders and industry professionals.


Open Up Music (UK)


Poster design
Digital report design

Reaching stakeholders

We produced a teaser poster that invited the public to visit the NOYO website and read the report. This action helped create awareness at industry events and drive traffic to the website.

Telling the unique stories

By highlighting the voices of NOYO’s disabled musicians throughout the report, we raised awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in music.

Calling for action

The NOYO report presented results and insights from four years of pioneering a disabled-led orchestra, generating interest from music education & industry professionals as well as the wider audience, and calling for action in opening up music to disabled youth.